To carry out education, research, publication, community service and Islamic propagation in the field of Islamic law that is oriented towards knowledge integration, Islamic values and Indonesian values

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As one of the study programs that continues to innovate at the Islamic University of Indonesia, the Islamic Law Doctoral Study Program has mature concepts and experiences to produce graduates with character. With teaching-learning million full of enthusiasm and potential in developing innovation, we are committed to educating students to become leaders of the nation with rahmatan lil ‘alamin‘s character.

We also continue to be active in developing ourselves in various collaborative programs in education and teaching, research, community service, and Islamic preaching to support the quality of study programs.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.

Dr. Drs. Yusdani., M.Ag.
Head of Doctoral Program in Islamic Law

  • Vision

    To make the Doctoral Program in Islamic Law as the first choice of doctoral education in Islamic law that is oriented towards knowledge integration, Islamic values and Indonesian values in 2030.

  • Mission

    To carry out education, research, publication, community service and Islamic propagation in the field of Islamic law that is oriented toward knowledge integration, Islamic values and Indonesian values.

  • Aim

    The purpose and distinctive characteristics of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Law is to produce doctors who are experts in the field of Islamic law and Indonesian legal system.

  • Program

    Doctoral (S-3)

  • Academic Title

    Student graduated from the Doctoral Program of Islamic Law will bear the title “Doctor” or Dr.

  • Tahun Berdiri

    Berdiri tahun 2010.

  • Study Period

    Maximum of 7 years in line with Regulation of Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia No. 44/2015


Find various information about us, the superior and competitive study program in Indonesia

Global Recognition for Professional Doctor in Islamic Law

Universitas Islam Indonesia, as one of the private universities in Yogyakarta, has experienced organizing higher education since 1945. The main vision is to prepare quality human resources to fill and answer the challenges of the pace of development of science and technology and national development that is ready to face all the changes and developments of the times. To sustain this role, UII is more oriented towards customer satisfaction or user satisfaction.

In the context of UII as rahmatan lil ‘alamin, the value of customer satisfaction at least guarantees the satisfaction of individual interests, collective interests, and also socio-religious interests. To achieve this vision, UII internally emphasizes how UII can form D3, S1, S2, and S3 graduates, who have superior values ​​and competencies in broad theoretical understanding, practical skills, and excellence of Islamic values.

Regarding Islamic values, the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FIS) is a special need for UII. FIS is a religious faculty owned by UII, which since its inception has grown and has produced many high-quality undergraduate graduates. More than that, the reality shows that the FIS also needs improvement and development both institutionally and structurally to better anticipate and respond to future challenges. As the Faculty of Religious Sciences at UII, which is rahmatan lil ‘alamin, FIS has the vision to become a reference center for Islamic law, Islamic education, and Islamic economics. All efforts are made to prepare professional experts in Islamic law, Islamic education, and Islamic economics who are committed to competency excellence.

By examining the latest developments above, also taking into account the developing discourse about the intentions and ideals of the establishment of UII, FIS UII opened the Doctoral Program in Islamic Law.


On Period 2018-2022

Dr. Yusdani, M.Ag.

Head of Doctoral in Islamic Law


Prof. Dr. Amir Mu’allim, MIS.

Prof. Dr. Amir Mu’allim, MIS.

Specialty: Sharia
Prof. Dr. Ridwan Khairandy, S.H., M.H.

Prof. Dr. Ridwan Khairandy, S.H., M.H.

Specialty: Business Law
Prof. Dr. Faisal Ismail, M.A.

Prof. Dr. Faisal Ismail, M.A.

Specialty: Islamic Studies
Dr. Tamyiz Mukharrom, MA

Dr. Tamyiz Mukharrom, MA

Specialty: Sharia
Dr. Drs. Muslich Ks, M.Ag

Dr. Drs. Muslich Ks, M.Ag

Specialty: Islamic Studies
Dr. Drs. Sidik Tono, SH., M.Hum.

Dr. Drs. Sidik Tono, SH., M.Hum.

Specialty: Law
Dr. Yusdani, M.Ag.

Dr. Yusdani, M.Ag.

Specialty: Islamic Studies


Anwan Santoso, M.Ag.

Anwan Santoso, M.Ag.

Staf Administrasi, Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan, SIM
Joko Wahyudi, S.Pd.I

Joko Wahyudi, S.Pd.I

Staf Administrasi, Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan, SIM
Aniek Sulistiyo, A.Md.

Aniek Sulistiyo, A.Md.

Staf Keuangan
Shelvina Lastriani, SE.

Shelvina Lastriani, SE.

Staf Keuangan
Novi Isnawati, S.E.I.

Novi Isnawati, S.E.I.

Staf Umum
Herni Lestari

Herni Lestari

Staf Perpustakaan
Agus Prayogo

Agus Prayogo

Staf Umum/Transportasi


Staf Umum
Mohammad Firnas, ST.

Mohammad Firnas, ST.

Staf Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi